DAVID MENZIES | WestJet Mask Police; Tims Camps Vaccine Petition
August 5th, 2022
42 mins 40 secs
About this Episode
Welcome to Rebel Roundup, ladies, and gentlemen — and the rest of you — in which we look back at some of the very best commentaries of the week by your favourite Rebels. I’m your host, David Menzies.
So much for the friendly skies. A 76-year-old man gets on a WestJet flight and when he falls asleep, his face mask lowers. And what did the WestJet crew do? They called the cops! Adam Soos has all the unbelievable details.
Speaking of calling the cops, you may recall that the Tim Wits at Tim Hortons did that to Tamara Ugolini. Her crime? Trying to drop off a petition re: Tim Hortons mandate regarding children attending their camp must be vaccinated. Wow, throw away the key! Tamara has an update on our quest to ensure Tim Hortons receives that scary petition.
And letters; we get your letters; we get your letters every minute of every day. And I’ll share some of your letters about the unbelievably woke policies at Wild Waterworks in Hamilton. For example, even if you are a man, staff will ask if you are… pregnant?
Those are your Rebels, now let’s round them up…
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