Rebel News Podcast

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  • Olympic bid: Can Calgary afford multi-billion dollar party for IOC aristocrats?

    September 21st, 2018  |  27 mins 12 secs
    alberta, calgary, canada, olympics, sports

    Another city has dropped out of the process to host the 2026 Winter Olympics. With Sapporo, Japan ending their bid. The prospect of Calgary becoming a two time Olympic host city is getting closer to becoming reality. The latest lowball cost estimates peg the tab for hosting the two week long party for the world at $5.2B - up a full billion from early April estimates. Joining me to break it all down is GUEST: William McBeath of Save Calgary.

  • PROOF: Canada is actually trying to destroy the NAFTA negotiations

    September 20th, 2018  |  45 mins 59 secs
    canada, doug ford, nafta, trade, trump

    Doug Ford has actually run a business. He’s done something in real life before, other than just giving pious speeches. He probably has more of a natural rapport with Trump than Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau. The fact that the left-wing media ridicule Doug Ford for even trying to get a deal — and for behaving himself, and maybe even ingratiating himself — I think he’s probably already doing better than Chrystia Freeland. GUEST Lorne Gunter

  • “Gross” propaganda: CBC launches new political website — for children

    September 19th, 2018  |  37 mins 14 secs
    canada, cbc, children, media, propaganda

    Have you ever heard of a state broadcaster promoting the government’s agenda through children’s programming before? Well, I have — as I'll tell you on tonight's show. It happened in the Soviet Union... GUEST James O'Keefe

  • Paul Wells' interview with Trudeau wasn't journalism — “It was stenography”

    September 18th, 2018  |  50 mins 42 secs
    canada, justin trudeau, media

    The absolute passive subservience of the Media Party journalist who asked him the questions is also something to behold. And I think it’s the root of the problem. GUESTS: Count Dankula and new Rebel reporter Keean Bexte

  • Citizens outraged by murder of Chinese Canadian girl by “refugee” — and Media Party calls this reaction “unexpected”

    September 17th, 2018  |  39 mins 49 secs
    bias, chinese, media, politics, racism, refugee

    Trudeau likes Chinese Canadians — on voting day. The other 364 days a year? Well, they have to know their place in the pecking order... GUEST Joel Pollak

  • Canada’s liberals are copying the anti-Trump “resistance” in their war against Doug Ford

    September 14th, 2018  |  36 mins 8 secs
    canada, doug ford, politics

    Doug Ford is off to a great start. But that won’t last — the media-liberal-activist-protester industrial complex is about to rev up. They lost Ontario, they’re going to lose Alberta, they’ll probably lose Quebec. They’ll do absolutely anything they can not to lose Prince Justin’s re-election. It’s going to be brutal... GUEST Sheila Gunn Reid

  • Here's what would happen if Trump put a tariff on Canada's auto industry

    September 13th, 2018  |  57 mins 19 secs
    canada, trade, trudeau, trump

    I think you’ll see violence. I know that sounds nuts, but you will. GUEST Allum Bokhari

  • One of Trudeau’s Syrian migrants is charged with murdering a B.C. girl

    September 12th, 2018  |  48 mins 57 secs
    canada, crime, refugees, trudeau

    I'll show you why, once again, if you want accurate news about Canada, you have to go to foreign media, in this case, the very reputable South China Morning Post, based in Hong Kong. But they, and only the deplorables — only the bad people at The Rebel Media — dare to ask: Why are we doing this to ourselves as a country? GUEST Manny Montenegrino

  • SPECIAL: Ezra Levant's in-depth interview with Tommy Robinson

    September 12th, 2018  |  1 hr 41 mins
    arrest, england, free speech, media, tommy robinson

    For the first time since his release, Tommy Robinson sits down for a full-length interview, with Ezra Levant of PS: Tommy is going BACK to court; please help continue to crowdfund his legal defence at

  • It's the anniversary of 9/11 — and we’ve forgotten everything we learned that day

    September 11th, 2018  |  35 mins 2 secs
    9/11, crime, immigration, islam

    Why is everything worse after 9/11? Why are we more Islamified, more scared of speaking out, more under attack than before? That censorship, and self-censorship, is the most tangible change in the 17 years since 9/11. GUEST Rick Mehta

  • A major police force in the UK declares war on — insults

    September 10th, 2018  |  44 mins 22 secs
    censorship, hate crime, police, uk

    If you think this is so kooky, so stupid, so foolish that it could only happen in the UK — well, it sounds like you haven’t been paying attention to the transformation of Canada’s police into social justice warriors, from the RCMP on down... GUEST Derek Fildebrandt

  • Ezra Levant's Battleground: September 07, 2018

    September 7th, 2018  |  1 hr 18 secs
    canada, politics, uk, usa

    Ezra talks about Tommy Robinson, the Rebel Cruise, Alex Jones — and takes comments and questions live.

  • “Trump is stronger today than he was before the NYT printed that anonymous ‘insider’s’ op-ed”

    September 6th, 2018  |  46 mins 2 secs
    bias, media, trump

    TONIGHT I'll read some of this anonymous op-ed, and highlight everything that's wrong with this Deep State diary entry — and with the New York Times, for printing it. GUEST Allum Bokhari

  • Trudeau WANTS to lose NAFTA — so he can blame Trump in the next election

    September 5th, 2018  |  40 mins 8 secs
    canada, nafta, trade, trudeau, trump

    I’m recording this show before the full day’s negotiations are done, but having seen Trudeau's latest statement about these negotiations, I'm pessimistic. GUEST Gavin McInnes

  • Ending BC birth tourism: Smart policy or “racist”?

    September 4th, 2018  |  27 mins 12 secs
    canada, citizenship, immigration

    For the first 80 years of Canada’s existence, we didn’t have such a birth on soil citizenship policy. Perhaps post-World War Two there was some motivation to boost the nation’s populace this way given the number of Canadians who died in the war. But that’s certainly not the reality today. GUEST Joe Warmington

  • Labour Day SPECIAL: How Trump changed my mind about unions and tariffs

    September 3rd, 2018  |  32 mins 53 secs
    canada, tariffs, trade, trudeau, trump, unions

    Before Donald Trump came along, I was more of a libertarian purist on the subjects of free trade and zero tariffs. But Trump is now realigning American politics. He's doing what no Canadian Liberal or NDP, and what no U.S. Democrat, has done in decades: actually fighting for the working man and praising heavy industry. GUEST Catherine Swift