Rebel News Podcast

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  • Learn how much you REALLY paid for Trudeau's India trip

    June 20th, 2018  |  44 mins 59 secs
    canada, india, justin trudeau, spending

    This is unacceptable from a government that is telling the rest of us to live smaller, to “make better choices” about energy and travel, telling veterans they’re asking for too much. GUESTS Guidy Mamann and Claudia Rosett

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: Mark Meadows claims FBI lied, Immigration debate, and bio weapons

    June 20th, 2018  |  47 mins 59 secs
    conservative, economics, fbi, immigration, john cardillo, politics, war

    Big problems continue for Department of Justice and FBI as Rep. Mark Meadows calls their credibility into questions, on the same day as tarnished FBI agent Peter Strzok is escorted from FBI HQ. The immigration debate rages, as the left resorts to stunts and tactics. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, synthetic bio weapons might be on the way. And, as the economy surges, disability claims drop, but does that indicate fraud?

  • “Serial slanderers” SPLC apologize, pay $3M+ after being sued — But is The Rebel their next target?

    June 19th, 2018  |  46 mins 4 secs
    censorship, free speech, islam

    But in related news, the SPLC has given a grant to a Canadian colony, run by notorious hucksters Evan Balgord and Bernie Farber, called the "Canadian Anti-Hate Network”.  And I noticed, just this weekend, that Evan Balgord signed up as a premium member of The Rebel. GUESTS Candice Malcom and Professor Ian Black.

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: IG Report hearings, Immigration, Thugs in Chicago, communist Army cadet

    June 19th, 2018  |  44 mins 59 secs
    conservative, crime, ig report, immigration, john cardillo, military, politics

    The Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the IG Report gave us some interesting information. We’ll discuss what we’ve learned, and what should be done. The immigration debate continues to rage, but there is more fiction than fact. We’ll decipher. Thug culture in Chicago wants to be able to carjack you without repercussions. And, the U.S. Army finally boots a communist cadet.

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: Illegal alien minors, Ned Ryun, shooting in New Jersey

    June 19th, 2018  |  48 mins 51 secs
    conservative, crime, guns, immigration, john cardillo, ned ryun, politics

    The battle over separating the children of illegal aliens from their parents heats up. I’ll cut through the fake news, and explain how the Obama administration was far worse on the issue. Political analyst and commentator Ned Ryun joins me to discuss the latest on the immigration debate, Mueller probe, and DOJ’s war with Congress. A mass shooting in New Jersey that you haven’t heard about, and the far-left Governor’s ludicrous response. Also, new privacy concerns over how police are using driver license photos.

  • What comes first: Modern planes for Canadian fighter pilots, or Trudeau’s luxury jet?

    June 18th, 2018  |  34 mins 59 secs
    canada, justin trudeau, military, spending

    That jet is old, to be sure. But it’s newer than the CF-18s that our Canadian fighter pilots use. And Trudeau has said he’s ruling out the F-35 replacement, because Trump doesn’t like Trudeau’s subsidies to Bombardier. Say, do you think the odd CF-18 has a “loose wire” or a “flashing gauge”? Of course. But do you see CTV going to the wall to get new planes for them? GUESTS Joel Pollak and Sheila Gunn Reid

  • Liberal MPs say voting on the carbon tax at the end of Ramadan is an insult to Muslims

    June 15th, 2018  |  41 mins 50 secs
    canada, islam, justin trudeau

    It’s the end of Ramadan — so it’s the Muslim religious holiday of Eid. All of a sudden Liberal MPs began tweeting last night, right before the votes, that to proceed with the votes about the carbon tax — why, that’s an insult to Muslims.

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: IG report, Clinton emails, Kurt Schlichter, Censoring the migrant crisis

    June 15th, 2018  |  53 mins 40 secs
    conservative, hillary clinton, islam, john cardillo, kurt schlichter, politics, robert spencer

    We dig into the Inspector General’s (IG) report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation. I’m going to tell you why I think this is one of the worst white-washes and coverups in U.S. history. Rebel host Kurt Schlichter joins me to give his analysis of the IG report and to wrap up the week. And, Jihad Watch founder Robert Spencer is with me to discuss the Ottawa Public Library shutting down the screening of a film that was critical of radical Islam and Sharia.

  • Chrystia Freeland wins world’s best diplomat award (PLUS Lindsay Shepherd sues Laurier U)

    June 14th, 2018  |  59 mins 50 secs
    canada, free speech, politics, trudeau

    TONIGHT I'll show you some of Freeland’s acceptance speech itself. Let's just say she sounds confused. And then she gets... weird... GUESTS: John Carpay, then employment lawyer Howard Levitt talks about Lindsay Shepherd's lawsuit.

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: OIG Report, Second Amendment issues, Obama aid spills the dirt, CBS fake news?

    June 14th, 2018  |  47 mins 50 secs
    barack obama, conservative, fake news, guns, john cardillo, john lott, politics, robert mueller

    The Inspector General report is here. We’re analyzing all of the potential pros and cons, as well as big problems with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Dr. John Lott is with me to discuss the latest on Second Amendment issues. Obama’s former aide spills the dirt on the ‘party culture’ of the Obama administration. And, was CBS caught red-handed spreading Fake News?

  • Ezra Levant Show June 13 2018

    June 13th, 2018  |  28 mins 18 secs
    conservative, david horowitz, history, left, politics

    An in-depth conversation with author and activist David Horowitz.

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: Judge rules against Mueller, Trump/Kim summit, New FBI data on guns

    June 13th, 2018  |  51 mins 9 secs
    conservative, donald trump, guns, john cardillo, north korea, politics, robert mueller

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller is playing fast and loose again with exculpatory evidence, but one federal judge is not having it. Retired CIA Station Chief Scott Uehlinger joins me to analyze the Donald Trump/Kim Jong Un summit. And Criminologist Dr. Adam Dobrin joins me to discuss interesting new FBI data which suggests that good guys with guns do in fact stop bad guys with guns.

  • Ezra Levant Show June 12 2018

    June 12th, 2018  |  55 mins 4 secs
    north korea, summit, trump

    TONIGHT I'll show you a masterful video. It was obviously created by the CIA. It pretends to be from a real movie studio, and sounds like a movie trailer, same kind of voice over. But it’s a movie made for one person and one person only: to convince Kim to take the deal. GUESTS Anthony Furey and David Menzies

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: Trump's Korea win, veteran vs. goverment, Obama running the Democrats

    June 12th, 2018  |  49 mins 34 secs
    conservative, crime, john cardillo, north korea, obama, politics, trump, veteran

    A historic summit and a massive win for not only Donald Trump’s presidency but also for America and the world as North Korea agrees to work towards denuclearization. Attorney Christopher Reid joins me to discuss his disabled veteran client’s incredibly frustrating battle after the U.S. government erroneously declared him dead. A hostage situation in Orlando, Florida, ended tragically, and Barack Obama is still running the Democratic Party. We’ll discuss.

  • Ezra Levant Show June 11 2018

    June 11th, 2018  |  46 mins 26 secs
    g7, trade, trudeau, trump

    And is Trump's offer — free trade on everything — so odious to us? Don’t we want that? Well, not if you’re a Quebec dairy farmer. What’s more important to Canada — Quebec dairy farmers, or our auto industry? I think that’s the choice.

  • Off The Cuff Declassified: Trump vs. Trudeau, Robert DeNiro, Parkland shooting

    June 11th, 2018  |  48 mins 2 secs
    conservative, guns, john cardillo, politics, robert deniro, trudeau, trump

    The war of words between Trump and Trudeau heats up, while Trump prepares for tomorrow’s historic summit with North Korea’s Kim. We’ll analyze it all. Robert DeNiro cimes unglued at the Tony Awards and curses Donald Trump, but the crowd’s reaction is the even bigger story. And, a retired Secret Service agent warned authorities in Parkland, Florida, that Stoneman Douglas High School was unsafe months before the massacre.